Our partners
The Maison Universitaire France-Japon (MUFJ) works in close collaboration with different bodies, departments and institutes related to Japan. Our partners are notably involved in the organization of events and conferences on Japanese themes.
Consulate-General of Japan in Strasbourg
The Consulate-General of Japan in Strasbourg covers a constituency consisting of Alsace, Lorraine, Franche-Comté and the department of Haute-Marne. Its aim is to reinforce political and economic cooperation between France and Japan. The Consulate also aims to make Japanese culture accessible to the local public through the organization of various events. It also provides administrative services such as issuing visas.
JSPS Strasbourg Office
The JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) is an independent administrative institution that aims at international scientific collaboration in various fields of science. The JSPS Strasbourg Office is located in Strasbourg and was founded in the MUFJ in 2001. It aims to promote scientific and academic exchanges and collaboration between French and Japanese researchers.
The Department of Japanese Studies of the University of Strasbourg
The Department of Japanese Studies, within the Faculty of Languages of the University of Strasbourg, welcomes many students interested in the study of Japanese culture and language through various courses, supervised by teacher-researchers. It organizes scientific events in collaboration with its various partners such as the MUFJ.
The CEEJA in Colmar
The European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace (CEEJA) aims to strengthen exchanges between France and Japan in the economic, cultural, tourist and academic fields. Therefore, the CEEJA organizes various events with the aim of discovering Japanese culture in Alsace and in Europe and also offers Japanese language courses.