Credits and legal information
Website creation
This website has been developed and put online by first-year students of the Master CAWEB class of 2022 – 2023 as part of a professional project of website redesign. The first version of the website was developed and put online by CAWEB Master’s students in 2010. It serves as a first professional experience in web design for the 2023 team members, so it is likely that some display issues will be discovered after the site is deployed.
2023 redesign team
Project manager: WOLDEAREGAY Saba
Development and integration: GUICHARD Brian
Design: BODIN Chloé
Web writing, SEO, EN translation: MENCH Inès
UX/UI design, JP translation: MAMONOFF Yann
Project tutor: NIGHTINGALE Mark
Internship tutors: BLATZ Caroline and FORTÉ Michelle
Internship structure: Maison Universitaire France Japon, Université de Strasbourg
As well as to all the professors, other students and people who helped in the success of this project.
Website photos credits
Homepage banner: Photo by Oleksii on AdobeStock (#250119643)
“Going to Japan” page banner: Photo by Sofia Terzoni on Pixabay
“Coming to France” page banner: Photo by Jules D. on Unsplash
“Our partners” page banner: Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash
The photos used to illustrate the events are used with the prior agreement of their authors.
Other photos used on the site are the exclusive property of the Maison Universitaire France-Japon. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to reuse them without prior authorization.
Web host
Direction du numérique (DNUM)
Université de Strasbourg
14 Rue René Descartes
03 68 85 06 00
In order to ensure its proper functioning and to facilitate future visits, the site may use cookies to record certain user preferences. Therefore, it is recommended to accept them. Used cookies are the following:
- WordPress cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the CMS.
- Google Analytics cookies necessary for the analysis of statistics on the traffic of the site.
Intellectual Property
This website is the property of the University of Strasbourg.
Any extraction, by permanent or temporary transfer, of all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the content of the site on another medium, by any means or in any form whatsoever, as well as the reuse, by making available to the public of all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the content of the site, whatever the form, is illegal.