Going to Japan
Unistra exchange program
If you wish to study in Japan as part of an exchange program or a university agreement signed by the University of Strasbourg, you will find all the necessary information on the international exchanges outside Europe dedicated page on the website of the University of Strasbourg.
Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
If you wish to study in Japan as an international applicant, that is outside an exchange program, you will have to follow specific admission procedures for each Japanese university. Therefore, you will need to obtain detailed information from the university of your choice.
For funding, the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) is an organization of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. The JASSO manages scholarship programs and support programs for international students.
The JASSO and “Study in Japan” organizations will help you to prepare your stay.
“Groupe Japon” exchange program
The “Groupe Japon” exchange program is made for teachers, teacher-researchers and researchers between the Unistra and 13 Japanese universities. Its aim is to promote scientific cooperation and contribute to help maintain excellence in university research.
Partner universities are: Sophia University, Osaka University, Hokkaido University, Kyoto University, Nagoya University, University of Tokyo, Ochanomizu University, Ritsumeikan University, Okayama University, Riken, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology and University of Tokyo.
Unistra teacher-researchers and statutory researchers who have not participated in the program during the last four academic years and who belong to a research unit (EA, UMR, UPR) Unistra-CNRS, INRA or INSERM are eligible for this program.
The duration of your stay varies according to the host university (min. 15 days – max. 21 days). Selected applicants should stay during the Japanese academic year (April to March).
An adjudication is published each year by the Maison Universitaire France – Japon.
For further information, please contact us.
The Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS Strasbourg Office)
The Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) is the largest funding agency for basic research projects in Japan in all fields of science: pure and applied sciences, humanities and social sciences.
Therefore, the 5 main activities of this agency are:
- To select and support research projects in Japan,
- To help young researchers (post-doctoral scholarships in Japan),
- To promote international scientific cooperation (bilateral programs with global organizations, post-doctoral fellowships for foreign researchers, etc.)
- To promote the reform of Japanese universities,
- To support cooperation between academic communities and industries in Japan.
The JSPS central office is located in Tokyo and there are 10 JSPS link offices around the world. The only office in France is located in Strasbourg.